Travel Thursday 11: Hello 2019

Hello 2019… 

It’s nice to meet you. 

David and I have adopted two new mottos for 2019 and I want to share those with you. 

Mine goes a little something like this…

Everyone in this world works on their own time zone

People around you may seem to be ahead of you and some may seem to be behind you

But everyone is running their own race in their own time 

Do no envy them and do not mock them 

They are in their time zone and you are in yours

Life is about waiting for the right moment to act

So relax, 

You are not late, you are not too early 

You are very much on time 

And David’s…

Ego says when everything is in line, I will be happy. Spirit says when I am happy, everything will fall in line

So what does 2019 look like for us? Well, a lot of things are changing for us in 2019. I’ll give you a quick run down…

  1. We moved to Washington DC. That’s right the Nation’s capital is our new home. So you may be wondering what brought us back to the East Coast? Well, in short: employment and family. We left San Diego back in 2018 to be closer to friends and family which happen to all reside on the East Coast. After spending several months applying for jobs we have both accepted full-time positions in Washington DC, which brings me to number two…

  2. We have new jobs. Yep, David and I have both accepted full-time jobs and start in just a few days. I will be a Digital and Social Media Specialist in public health and David will be working for a consulting firm. Both are pretty big changes from the jobs we left in 2018 but we could not be more excited to be taking on new roles. 

  3. Dolby Travels is getting greener. You may or may not know (but you will soon) that I am a sustainable travel blogger. My travels primarily revolve around sustainability including eco-friendly accommodations, plant based living, and waste reduction. In 2019 the blog will be honing in on sustainable living and how those principles can be applied to travels. My travel will be cutting back in 2019 as we have just signed a lease (ah) and am in the process of putting down some roots. I will be taking you along on the journey of me furnishing a eco-friendly, non-toxic apartment, how I budget to afford sustainable products, and tips on reducing food waste. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of travel content, but all of it will have a greener, more sustainable focus..

I have lots of exciting content coming your way in the coming weeks and months so I hope you’ll stick around for me to share it with you.